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Synergia Cyber Care Inc.

  • 2nd Level, Celebrity Sports Complex, Capitol Hills, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
  • Website: [1]
  • Map: []
  • Overview: SCI is a privately held corporation. Its main office is located at Quezon City, Philippines. The company provides call center solutions to firms worldwide with an emphasis on firms located in North America. Its corporate name reflects its mission of creating extraordinary care by partnering with its clients and technology. ¿Synergia¿ is the Greek route of the word ¿synergy¿ meaning: the cooperative action of discrete entities such that the total effect is greater than the sum of the two entities taken independently. ¿Cyber¿ comes from the word ¿cybernetics¿ means ¿having to do with computers or networking¿. ¿Care¿ meaning; to provide needed assistance or watchful supervision. The goal of SCI is to provide customer care for client organizations by emphasizing people, technology and process. We believe that we need to have a highly motivated and experienced staff in place to meet our client expectations.


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