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  • Ordinary people. Extraordinary Lives. Savor the Word. Save the World.
  • A beginner’s Catholic Bible study which will run for 2-3 Thursdays a month, from October 2007 to October 2008, 7:30-9:00 p.m. at the Santuario de San Antonio Parish Center, Bay 1 by Franciscan and Jesuit priests. (Teaser1) (Teaser2)
  • Everyone is welcome to attend. You do not have to be Catholic or Christian; you do not have to be a religious person. You may just want to learn more about the bible.
  • There is a textbook and a recommended Bible. The textbook is a thin book entitled "Beginning the Bible" and the recommended bible is the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). If you want to order the textbook and/or bible please text 09179051490.
  • There are no group sharings and it is just a straight lecture with Q&A afterwards then some silent reflection to close the class.
  • For more information, send text to 0918-906-6689.


  • OCT 11 - EPISODE 1: A WORLD OF HEROES: Introductory Journey to the Land , History and people of the Bible to understand the events and situations that form the background for God’s saving acts recorded in the Bible. Speaker: Fr. Toy Manglangit OFM (slides) (mp3)
    Episode 1: Fr. Toy Manlangit OFM
    Episode 1: Fr. Toy Manlangit OFM
  • OCT 25 - EPISODE 2: THE HALL OF HEROES: Exploring the composition. structure and development of the Catholic Bible, the literary types used in it and important terms related to reading and understanding the Scriptures (slidecast) (mp3)


  • NOV 08 - EPISODE 3: A GOOD BEGINNING: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and His 12 Sons: Heroes of God’s Promise in the Book of Beginnings (Genesis) (slidecast) (mp3)
  • NOV 22 - EPISODE 4: THE PRINCE OF EGYPT: Moses and Aaron: Heroes of the Great Israelite Coming-Out Expedition in the Book of Exodus (slidecast) (mp3)
  • NOV 29 - EPISODE 5: HOW DO I LIVE...?: The Priests and the Levites, Guardians of the Covenant in the Books of Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy (slidecast) (mp3)
  • DEC 13 - EPISODE 6: PROMISE FULFILLED: Summary of the events in human history and the history of salvation related to the first five books of the Old Testament: From Creation to the Arrival in the Promised Land (slidecast) (mp3)


  • JAN 10 - EPISODE 7: A LAND OF OUR OWN: Joshua and the Judges: Champions of the Early Settlements, whose exploits showcase God’s strength in the Book of Joshua and the Book of Judges (slidecast) (mp3)
  • JAN 24 - EPISODE 8: THE RISE OF THE KINGDOM:Samuel, Nathan, Elijah, Elisha: the early prophets, messengers of God and caretakers of the Covenant, which the Kings neglected (Books of Samuel/ Books of Kings) (slides)
  • JAN 31 - EPISODE 9: A KINGDOM DIVIDED: The prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, major stalwarts in defending God’s Covenant, in the midst of corruption and decadence in what was once the promised land. (slides)
  • FEB 14 - EPISODE 10: WHERE HAVE ALL THE FAITHFUL GONE?: 12 later prophets offer the only way for God’s chosen people to avoid imminent destruction of their nation and disunity: fidelity to God who is always faithful (slides)
  • FEB 28 - EPISODE 11: THE FORGOTTEN REALMS: Summary of the events in human history coinciding with the events in the history of salvation recorded in the books covered in this season. (slides) (mp3)


  • MARCH 13 - EPISODE 12: SHEPHERD SONGS: A hero’s best collection of spiritual armor: The Book of Psalms (slides) (mp3)
  • MARCH 27 - EPISODE 13: LIVIN’ LA VIDA NON-LOCA: Easy-reading books on heroic wisdom: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Wisdom of Solomon, Song of Songs, The Book of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) (slides) (mp3)
  • APRIL 10 - EPISODE 14: “HISTORICAL” VIGNETTES: Fine examples of how real heroes often live simple lives and follow uncomplicated goals, from the Book of Ruth, the Book of Daniel, and Lamentations (slides)
  • APRIL 24 - EPISODE 15: AGAINST-ALL-ODDS 101: They may be fictional, but these characters display true grit and unfathomable faith that only heroes trained in the divine “school of hard knocks” can muster (The Book of Job, the book of Esther, the Book of Judith and the book of Tobit) (slides) (mp3)
  • MAY 08 - EPISODE 16: PICKING UP THE PIECES: Survivors of the Babylonian exile, Ezra and Nehemiah prove their mettle in construction engineering and urban renewal as well-- and they have written records to prove it-- the Book of Ezra, the Book of Nehemiah, and the Books of Chronicles.(slides) (mp3)
  • MAY 22 - EPISODE 17: STRUGGLING ON: Heroes are always ready to fight for what they believe in. But the best of heroes are always prepared to die for their faith. Stories of such heroic acts fill the two books of the Maccabees. (slide)
  • MAY 29 - EPISODE 17 Part 2: HALF-WAY THROUGH: Summary of events in human history and the history of salvation within which the Books covered in this season were written. Plus a brief second look at the first room of the Hall of Heroes (Old Testament), and a quick glimpse at the second room (New Testament) and its historical background. (slides)


  • JUNE 12 - EPISODE 18: THE “Q” FACTOR: Overview of the Gospels as the Christian Torah and the religious-cultural milieu where they were written, investigating the Gospel writers, their common sources and unique features in portraying Jesus and His message (slides) (mp3)
  • JUNE 26 - EPISODE 19: MARK AND THE LION: Definitely, most scholars agree, the most “original” of the Gospels ever written-- the Gospel of Mark. (slides) (mp3)
  • JULY 10 - EPISODE 20: A MAN CALLED MATTHEW: This one book presents Jesus in a way most Jews would understand, arguing most convincingly that He is the promised Messiah-- the gospel of Matthew. (slides) (mp3)
  • JULY 24 - EPISODE 21: BULLISH LUKE: Written in polished Greek, it has the markings of a well-bred urbanite professional who presents Jesus at home with world’s most despised and neglected-- The Gospel of Luke. (slides)
  • JULY 31 - EPISODE 22: HIGH-FLYIN’ JOHN: A master theological treatise on Jesus, the Son of Man-- that’s the breadth and depth of this Gospel according to John. (slides)
  • SEPT 25 - EPISODE 23: SUMMING UP THE 4 EVANGELISTS: A review of the life and ministry of Jesus. (slides) (mp3)


  • OCT 09 - EPISODE 24: FROM JERUSALEM TO THE WORLD: The life and times of the followers of the Way in the earliest Christian community as recorded by the Acts of the Apostles.
  • OCT 23 - EPISODE 25: THE GREAT COMMUNICATOR: Saul of Tarsus, once sworn arch-nemesis of the Way, now writes as one of them, Paul the Apostle. Here we review his 10 Letters to various communities he founded.
  • EPISODE 26: LESSONS FOR WOULD-BE HEROES: 3 Letters-- two to Timothy and one to Titus-- advise Christian leaders on leading lives beyond reproach.
  • EPISODE 27: LOVE LETTERS: The early Christians wrote a lot! Here we get a glimpse of the Letter to the Hebrews, 2 Letters of Peter, the Letter of James, and the Letter of Jude.
  • EPISODE 28: JOHN, IN CLOSING: “John Does” or not, these guys no doubt admired the original John of A-Team so much, they signed their letters and a moving book with his name-- the three Letters of John and the Book of Revelation.
  • EPISODE 29: A COMMUNITY IN MISSION: Summary of the ministry of the Apostles (the A-Team) in relation to the historical events of their time until the early church reached Rome, the capital of the world of that era.
  • EPISODE 30: MOVING ON: Final Episode! Summary of the New Testament era. Tips on being Heroes in every day Catholic life.

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