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Coordinates: 42°40′42″N 114°14′40″W 42.678375000000003, -114.244484

Minidoka National Historic Site

  • Location & Contact Information
    • Address: 221 N State St Hagerman ID USA 83332
    • Telephone Number: +1-208-837-4793
    • Official Website: [1]
  • Overview

Minidoka National Historic Site is a US National Historic Site located in 17|mi|km|0 northeast of Twin Falls, Idaho|Twin Falls and just north of Eden , in an area known as Hunt . The remote high desert area north of the Snake River was the site of the Minidoka War Relocation Center from 1942;ndash;45, one of ten camps at which Japanese Americans, both citizens and resident aliens, were interned during World War II. The site is administered by the National Park Service of the US Department of the Interior.Under provisions of President Roosevelts Executive Order 9066, all persons of Japanese ancestry were excluded from the West Coast of the United States. Minidoka housed more than 9,000 Japanese Americans, predominantly from Oregon, Washington, and Alaska.Japanese-American internees at the Minidoka War Relocation Center Minidoka is the name of a reclamation project which also gives its name to the neighboring Minidoka County . The Minidoka name was applied to the Idaho relocation center in Jerome County to avoid confusion with the Jerome War Relocation Center in date=May 2008}}The internment camp site was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on July 10, 1979. The site was established in 2001, and as one of the newest units of the National Park System, it does not yet have any visitor facilities or services available. Currently, visitors see the remains of the entry guard station, waiting room, and rock garden and can visit the Relocation Center display at the Jerome County Museum in nearby Jerome, Idaho|Jerome and the restored barracks building at the Idaho Farm and Ranch Museum southeast of town. There is a small marker adjacent to the remains of the guard station, and a larger sign at the intersection of Highway 25 and Hunt Road, which gives some of the history of the camp.The National Park Service began a three-year public planning process in the fall of 2002 to develop a General Management Plan (GMP) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The General Management Plan sets forth the basic management philosophy for the Monument and provides the strategies for addressing issues and achieving identified management objectives that will guide management of the site for the next 15;ndash;20 years.The Friends of Minidoka sponsor an annual, multi-day pilgrimage of camp survivors and the public to the site every June.On December 21, 2006, President Bush signed H.R. 1492 into law guaranteeing $38,000,000 in federal money to restore the Minidoka relocation center along with nine other former Japanese internment camps. On May 8, 2008, President last = Pacific Citizen Staff | first = Associated Press | title = Bush Signs Bill Expanding Borders of Minidoka Monument | url = | publisher = Japanese American Citizens League | date = 2008-05-16 | accessdate = 2008-06-18}}ref name = IdahoME>[1]



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