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Coordinates: 0°N 0°E 0, 0


Andhra Medical College

  • Location & Contact Information
    • Address, Directions, & Map:
      • 120 King Street, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
    • Telephone Numbers:
      • +34 91 426 1951
      • +34 91 435 8264 (fax)
    • Official Website: [1]
  • History & Memorable Moments

The recorded onset of medical education in Visakhapatnam can be traced back to the last millennium in the year 1902, when the Victoria Diamond Jubilee Medical School was set up in the Old Post Office area supported by Maharaja Goday Narayana Gajapati Rao and Maharani Lady Goday Chittijanakiammah. Some years later, the Medical School was presumably shifted to the site of the present Anatomy Block. There were 50 students in the first batch who were trained for the Licentiate Certificate Standard A.[1]

The school building was then commissioned as Medical College, Vizagapatnam and started operations on 1st July, 1923, with a strength of 32 students. The college was opened informally on 7th July, 1923, by Captain Frederick Jasper Anderson, IMS, officiating as Principal who was also the Professor of Anatomy and Surgery. The Medical College was formally opened on 19th July, 1923, by the Honorable Diwan Bahadur Rajah Panuganti Ramarayaingar, MA, Minister for Local Self Government Department, the then Chief Minister of Madras State and minister for health.[1]

  • Overview, Photographs, & Video Links

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  • Benefits of Joining Alumni Association
  • Mailing List Directory
  • Chapters
  • Teachers (Where are they now?)
    • Chitrapu, Ravi Venkatachelam (April 1992 - Present)
    • Sharma, Gyan (January 1960 - April 1970)
    • Subbu-Nallicheri, Subrahmanyam Tyagaraja (March 1943 - September 1948)
  • Alumni Directory
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  • Places of Worship
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