Asia/India/Delhi/Delhi/Miranda House/
Miranda House
- Location & Contact Information
- Address, Directions, & Map:
- Delhi, Delhi, India
- Telephone Numbers:
- +91 - 11 - 27666983, 27667437, 27667367
- +91 - 11 - 27667437 (fax)
- Official Website: [2]
- Email:
- Address, Directions, & Map:
- History & Memorable Moments
Miranda House is a college for women, forming part of Delhi University, India. It was founded in 1948 by Sir Maurice Gwyer, then Vice-Chancellor of the university. It has nearly 3,000 students in sciences and arts, and is the alma mater of a number of eminent women in or from India. It includes college hostel accommodations for a small number of students, but the majority are day-scholars. [1]
- Overview, Photographs, & Video Links
Prospective Students
- Admissions Tips
New & Current Students
- Campus Events
- Transportation
- Safety Tips
- Support Centers
- Counseling
- Grading System
- Good Classes & Teachers
- Groups & Organizations
- College & Career Tips
- Benefits of Joining Alumni Association
- Mailing List Directory
- Chapters
- Teachers (Where are they now?)
- Kumar, Ashish (April 1967 - August 1990)
2 Mahendru, Manoj
- Alumni Directory
- Alumni Events
- Hotels Nearby
- Restaurant Recommendations
- Places of Worship
- Sports Facility Access
- Job Listing