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User talk:ZeevHeinzRaphael33294592

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Here some details of my connection with the Southall Technical College:

First: A brief Summary of my Origion:

1927: Born in Germany: Beckum, Westphalia

August 1939: Left Germany with my mother, for Sweden. Attended elementary schools & Correspondence courses.

            Held various jobs: Lift mechanic, Peat production, finally: Typewriter Mechanic.

1946: Mother & I re-joined my father in England, after completion of his WWII army service.

We lived in Leicester, and I joined the IMPERIAL Typewriter Co.,- refurbishing war-damaged machines.

Later we moved to London, transferring to the London Branch of IMPERIAL. Their Service Dept., was temporarily accommodated in the Eastend,

            in a street with the pretty name Flower and Dean Street.

In 1948 I changed to a small Typewriter business in Ickenham, Middx. much nearer home (Ruislip), saving much travel time. There I had a foreman who pestered me: Johnny, why don't you go to night school? I thought my English wasn't good enough...

But in autumn 1948 I enrolled at the Southall Tech.,- in the Mechanical Engineering Section. Mr Hemsworth was the head-master in those days: "It doesn't matter WHAT you know; it is WHO you know that matters."

1951: I completed the ONC, with 3 Distinctions. 1953: The HNC, with National Certificate Price by the IMechE. 1954: Endorsements. 1955: GradIMechE. 1987: FIMechE.

1955: We settled in Israel. (Meanwhile I had got married, in 1953, in England, to Alice BRODY, a survivor of the infamous Bergen-Belsen Camp. Since 1961 I worked with the TECHNION - Israel Institute of Technology, as design engineer in their Windtunnel Laboratory. Until my retirement in the year 2000.

Our two children, and three grandchildren, were born here.

Finally,- I wonder if anybody else is known to you that studied at the STC in those years?

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